Health Tech Start Ups
Early-stage companies like our entry-level offering of weekly marketing coach check-ins. These calls can set important early direction of audience needs identification and brand strategy, offering significant leaps forward in time and focus, saving massive amounts of opportunity cost versus trial and error or learning as you go.
Consulting and Investment Firms
Financial firms like the addition of Sternstein to their assessments of new opportunities, identification of growth strategies for holdings, and supplementation of their financially astute team with leaders trained in making healthcare products and services understandable, accessible, and attractive.
Advertising Agencies
Large new initiatives are great for an agency, but delivering the assignment brilliantly with existing staff can be challenging. So, leading Metro NY agencies advertising agencies hire Sternstein to work as part of their team, supplementing Healthcare expertise, brand strategy, creative brief development, digital transformation, Agency Selection and Management, and all Account Management functions.